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Untold lives of woman, is a woman's journey on the path life has set her on.
A blog about factors that affect the lives of women and where you can find inspiration.
The Un edited side of "life ".Where there is beauty in imperfection and knowing that through the support and wisdom we share with each other .We will help improve not only our own lives but the lives of generations to come.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


See my post on post partum depression
postnatal-postpartum-depression. andA mothers love
A mothers love.dear-young-mom.

You dont have to hear ,"say cheese" to smile. Because i love you like a fat kid loves cake. 
Smile because your much pretier when you do.
Smile for the days you couldnt and for the days that you did.
Smile for now .Smile for then. Smile because you know you deserve now .
Smile and allow your light to shine through you let it all go 
Accept your new role and smile doing it.
Find a your own way to make it work and never stop dreaming.

Nothing anyone can tell you about being a mother can prepair you for the journey .Everyone has to experience it on their own .Come up with their own formula and make up stuff along the way.

We would like to imagine you have a baby and you become an instant mom .pregnancy and birth actually does bring you close to your baby. But nothing prepaires you for what happens when the baby comes. 
The transition is almost unbearable you now have to give all your energy and time to a little angel while you are Sleep deprived and Emotional about the changes.

The journey of motherhood never ends to accept your new circumnstance .
To accept that you will never be able to go back to your old self is the begining of your growth and the begining of you becoming someone better than you once where. Small freedoms may be lost but its the begining of a transition .
Before you can Fly. You have to go through the ups and downs and loose all selfishness and let go of self wants and what comes out on the otherside is a woman who knows what she wants and doesnt settle for less.

You become a woman thats wiser more cairing and when the time comes and you can wear the six inch heals again and dress like you run the world you will have an appreciation for the time you where unable to.
So dont dispair.
Smile knowing you are evolving .
Each stage is precious and this season only lasts so long .


Sunday, May 13, 2018

FINANCIAL DEPENDENCY (Relationships/marriage)

As women. Our role has been defined for us. It is not a bad thing at all. Honestly most of us would happily quit our jobs to take care of our family . Our first instinct is to nurture and for that we tend to be blind of our own needs and wants.

As young girls we are told what is expected of us as women and when we grow up .We choose the path that suits us best.
Some choose careers over families others try balancing the two and some choose family over everything else. It is all a sacrifice. From whatever angle you choose to look at it.

However we seldom talk about the sacrifice involved when it comes to being a stay at home dad/mum and the difficulties that emerge from a single house hold income.

Being the sole provider of a family can be tough especially with all  the  high cost of living and the choice to have one partner to stay home and keep the household running to ensure the daily transitions involved in the family's needs are met is not one to be taken lightly.

Because both parties have to give up a certain amount of freedom to keep the family a float.
It can be very frustrating and sometimes leads to the feeling of living a not so fulfilled life. As a result of the sacrifices involved. 

The pain of many women is that their contribution and their choice to stay home is taken for granted .Choosing to give up your financial  Independence and depend on your every need from your partner makes you choose between what you want and what you need. In most cases women tend to supplement their own needs for their families needs .

In this sacrifice it becomes hard for a woman to live in all her glory. She now has to be content with wearing sweats and filling her days taking care of every ones needs but her own .

Some families tend to reach a breaking point when her sacrifices are seen as inadequate and she is seen as a burden.  Some have to deal with emotional and physical abuse from their partners as a result of the financial dependency

The hard part is that many women after devoting their lives to raise a family get to their late 40's and have to start a fresh because of either divorce or the fact that the kids are now old enough to depend on themselves.

The transition is hard and although the sacrifice was done with no regrets getting back on your own feet is a challenge.
I read a quote that said that "if you give a woman a loaf of bread it will feed her and her family for a day. But if you give the same woman a chance to make money off that loaf of bread it will feed her family for years.
The moral i got from that quote was that although we are willing to give up our dreams for a family. We should look at the bigger picture and find a way to be able to sustain our families. From what we are given. We live at a very industrious time and many people are generating incomes with the resources they have and in their own homes .

Create your own environment that will enable you to thrive Find a way to live your dreams as you care for your family because a woman's Independence is her freedom and when she is free to do what she loves .she will be able to shine in all her glory  .

Don't depend on someone too much because even your own shadow leaves you when your in the dark.

Live your best life and work on improving you. you are at your best when you are doing what you love and achieving your goals.
 Dont take a back seat in your life choices.

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