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Untold lives of woman, is a woman's journey on the path life has set her on.
A blog about factors that affect the lives of women and where you can find inspiration.
The Un edited side of "life ".Where there is beauty in imperfection and knowing that through the support and wisdom we share with each other .We will help improve not only our own lives but the lives of generations to come.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


It is July and it is cold.
I guess you have not noticed in the heat of your political shenanigans. My shoes are worn out from walking to industrial area every morning and evening. My kid sister sells sweets on the streets and hopes to buy me a new pair if her sales are good this month.
Our one room is neat very few items in it. We cook ugali which has now become our delicacy at one corner. My cousin who came months ago looking for greener pastures in the capital is also with us in this aboard. The company he was working for has downsized a word that took us a good hour to explain to him (he thought that it meant he would have to be made small, his own words.)
You may wonder why I am telling you all this, Well I will be voting on the 8th of 8th and wait for the results, for my life to go back to normal. Of which I do not mind as long as my country is at peace.
Do not agitate for violence . MY LIFE MATTERS .My sister needs to sell her sweets .So she can finish her hair dressing course. so she can start her own salon .
My cousin needs to get a job so he can send money to educate his brothers and sisters back home.
Your words can burn this country while you ship your Family abroad and leave it burning.
Remember God knows all things, sees all things in the hearts and minds of all.
Kenya is bigger than you. I did not know what or where I was to be born the choice was not mine and you cannot use that against me. God knows what he does and “ Hana Makosa .”You are not the right person to correct him.
The reason pride lifts you up, is to let you down.
Even postage stamps become useless when stuck to themselves.

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