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Untold lives of woman, is a woman's journey on the path life has set her on.
A blog about factors that affect the lives of women and where you can find inspiration.
The Un edited side of "life ".Where there is beauty in imperfection and knowing that through the support and wisdom we share with each other .We will help improve not only our own lives but the lives of generations to come.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021



The holy month of Ramadan on the Muslim calender is here and i remember as a kid how amazing and hard I thought it was but the determination the dedication and the passion I watched  growing up from both family and friends made it even more beautiful. To fast and pray the whole day and then break your fast with your loved ones with good food laughter brings up many memories for me.

You know we then grow up see what life is. Have our own arguments with God as to why some prayers aren't answered or for some people who go through turmoil in life and try praying and become convinced that God doesn't listen or love them and even decide to switch religions or drop religion and God all together.

One thing I've come to understand about faith as I grow older is .sometimes you will not get what you want . Sometimes you will want to give up , sometimes you question everything. However the thing is the person who created you and put you on this earth irregardless of religion or how much you feel neglected by him . He doesn't change he remains and will remain long after you are gone. He even knew at one point you would feel as you do. 
Whether or not you believe it or not you where created and everyone is here for a purpose just as the eco system balances out with every species in it and if one stops existing the balance is lost.

Someone once told me everyone's existence /destiny is intertwined with someone else's and even though your existence may feel insignificant doesn't mean the space you occupy doesn't hold value to someone else So it all boils down to the kind of relationship you have with with your creator whether or not it feels like he is listening to you or not.
Take sometime close your eyes and just speak to him like a friend that just wants to hear from you . Eventually he will show you he heard you. 
If not what harm does it do to speak to your creator atleast he won't tell anyone your secrets.

Live ,laugh,love,learn and never stop praying because you could be one prayer away from your miracle . He said seek and you will find . Knock and the door will be opened . Maybe not at your timing but know he doesn't break his promises.

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