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Untold lives of woman, is a woman's journey on the path life has set her on.
A blog about factors that affect the lives of women and where you can find inspiration.
The Un edited side of "life ".Where there is beauty in imperfection and knowing that through the support and wisdom we share with each other .We will help improve not only our own lives but the lives of generations to come.

Monday, June 25, 2018


Easy to judge a book by its cover, And miss the essence beneth its cover.

They say ,"the prettiest smile hides the most secrets.

The prettiest eyes have shed the most tears.

The kindest hearts have felt the most pain.

And those that appear to have it all, lack what they need most".

Strength is defined as the ability of a substance or object to withstand great force and pressure.

As humans we have the ability to withstand a lot. However that doesnt mean that it doesnt affect us or doesnt have an effect on us.

8 out of 10 times someone tells you "you are so strong ." They mean your ability for you to go through discomfort and not give up . Most times it is not ment
As a compliment but to pacify.

We live at a time where if you say you need help .your told to deal with it on your own. And when you make it public that you are suffering .people say you are seeking attention. We are too pre-occupied with ourown struggles that we do not see those around us are barely ok.

We are ok with fake smiles .We prefer the simplicity of the surface . Than to acknowledge the complexities of dealing with the actual depth of life and living.

Majority of the people that are hurting look as though they are fine. They are the ones that carry everyones problems and have nobody to carry their own .

Just because someone goes through struggles and you think they are strong doesnt mean that they are ok.
It doesnt mean that they are better off on their own . because they are "strong".

Beimg strong doesnt make you immume to pain and hurt .It just means you have the will power to overcome what life throws your way because it is the only solution .

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