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Untold lives of woman, is a woman's journey on the path life has set her on.
A blog about factors that affect the lives of women and where you can find inspiration.
The Un edited side of "life ".Where there is beauty in imperfection and knowing that through the support and wisdom we share with each other .We will help improve not only our own lives but the lives of generations to come.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


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build-on-your-dream-or-someone-will hire you to build theirs
As the year ends i keep hearing "i survived another year".

Being me id like to change your perspective on that so here goes.....

I know too well what it is like to live from day to night and day again. However all it does, is rob you of the days and nights that ,you could have been a step closer to living your dream.

What dream you ask?The dream that seems further and further away. The dream that you break your back for everyday .The dream you believed in . The dream that you let fade away . when you let doubt replace it.

In a world so cold .where nothing comes easy . Dont be fooled .That is how it has been and will remain. Someone else is having it worse whether  you know them or not doesnt change that it is the truth.

Dont be fooled to think slipping into the cracks of life will make life any easier.
You dont have a choice .you either fail or you succeed. Rise when you fall and dont get tired of picking yourself up it gets better the longer you try.

Dont be fooled there is no short cut there is no easy way .Just like in school if you miss a lesson you will  have to put in the effort to learn what you missed out on.

The truth is hard to swallow but when you do swallow .The you that comes out on the other side is a better version of you.

Life is ment for living and living includes ups and downs. Nobody can escape it. We just choose to show the world the sides of ourselves that look the best and in that deception we fool the masses because if we shared more we would heal alot more people.

So to you that feels like survival is the best you can do . Take a walk and look around you from the ants to the trees to the venders on the street everyone and everything is playing their role in life and the ones that get to be missed.

The names you get to hear about are the names of people who lived their best life and never stopped dreaming.

Do not choose to survive because survival takes more out of you than it does benefit you.Dont fall between lifes cracks because you will become apart of the crack and you shall be forgotten.

Live life. Laugh often ,Love everything and above all never stop dreaming .Your best is yet to come.

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