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Untold lives of woman, is a woman's journey on the path life has set her on.
A blog about factors that affect the lives of women and where you can find inspiration.
The Un edited side of "life ".Where there is beauty in imperfection and knowing that through the support and wisdom we share with each other .We will help improve not only our own lives but the lives of generations to come.

Monday, September 18, 2017


(Book to read secrets about life every woman should know by Barbara de Angelis)

When you go through life expecting what is happening outside to make you happy.
You are setting yourself up for failure. You are setting yourself up for misery.
You make yourself a victim of circumstances you cannot control and you become dependent on others for your own state of joy and contentment.

Today I would like to share this story with you .It’s a story from ancient India.

In the beginning god created the universe and all the people in it so that everyone was aware of his or her true oneness with god and the great love within themselves.

These were the secrets of life, and after all, god loved everyone so why not give them the greatest gift he could think of.

He then sat down and watched the play of life with all of its dramas unfold,But as he watched he realized something was very wrong. 

Whenever a human being met with a challenge or went through tough times the person would say to themselves. ‘’This is aweful.why should I go through this? I am one with god so I will just drop this human form and merge back into him.’’
And that’s exactly what happened one by one each human would remember his true self and be unwilling to play the game of life.

God was very disturbed by this dilemma. The purpose of life was to learn grow not to bailout when the going got rough. So he called an emergency meeting with his divine beings.

‘’after much consideration,’’ god began, ‘’I have decided that we are going to have to hide the secret of life ,the secret of happiness from these humans. If they remember it they have no interest in living an earthly life.’’

‘’But where will we hide it? ‘’one divine being asked. ‘’Let’s hide it at the top of the highest mountain on earth .’’someone suggested.

‘’No that won’t work.’’ god replied shaking his head. ‘’Human beings are resourceful they will find ways to climb up there and discover it.’’

‘’What about at the bottom of the ocean .they will never go there another one offered.’’
‘’Oh yes they will .’’god interjected “they will invent submarines. The bottom of the ocean won’t do.’’

Someone else said,’’ lets hide it in outer space.  Surely it will be impossible for them to locate it.’’
God said ,’’that won’t do either they will invent space ships and travel in space’’.

None of these suggestions will work .There has got to be somewhere we can hide the secret of happiness where human will not find it.
I know where e can hide it” a soft voice spoke. 

God smiled he knew he had found the answer and then he made it so and that’s where it has been ever since.

I think this is the kind of story that should last a lifetime. The kind of story you go to sleep thinking about. It is truth in itself as humans we always look externally to understand things or blame external factors in our life but we seldom look within ourselves.

Our mind, body, spirit and soul are the most powerful things in the universe. Yet we don’t even realize it.

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