I was recently told a story about a woman, who sold her mansion to educate her two children abroad and now lives ,on the out skirts of town in a one bedroom house. All this because ,she wants the best for her kids and believes in their dreams.
Her story warmed my heart, because as a parent i know that, there is nothing i wouldn't do to ensure my child's future is bright.
If your child believed that because they saw it in your actions .Do you think they would take that opportunity for granted!
As adults ,we all have that moment where we wished our parents, believed in us a little more at some point in your childhood. We also know how we felt at that moment .So why would we want our children to feel the same?
Having a child is a lifetime commitment. I once read a quote that said ,"Children bring the most joy and the most sorrow." This because you will constantly worry about them till you die.
What i have found that, most parents myself included.tend to forget is , "Children DO NOT choose to be born. WE CHOOSE to have them"
Having a child means that you will provide for them the best you can.Treat them the way they deserve .Love them unconditionally and correct them when they need it ,by showing them the right paths and by leading by example.
If your child grows up constantly afraid of the insults you give them when they mess up, or generally just in fear of you .It hinders open channels of communication and they will not be honest with you.They will eventually strive to leave your house and focus on their own .To get out of your way without looking back.
However, if you treat your child in ways that allow friendship .That your child knows that you will always be their for them .Without judging them but at the same time they can still distinguish parenthood from this friendship . Your child wouldn't strive to run away from you (or want to leave home and move in with someone in order to escape home)and will take care of you when you grow old because ,it is when you are old that you realize if the impact you had in your child's life was positive or negative and even then ,it is never too old to reconcile if you have regrets and things you would like to tell them.
Because as long as they are alive you can resolve your issues, and if they are not alive you cant blame them we are all human and each of us lives our life to our best ability. It just depends if your best was good enough.
When we are young. We lived to take care of our selves .
We took care of our own needs to keep us satisfied,and as we left our
parents house. We then learnt what it means to take care of another.
Sometimes we often put our own needs second, because it is in our
nature. The reason we do this is because we evolve from self awareness
to the awareness of those around us and those we care about.. .
In conclusion,Treat your children better than you where treated because a child's love for their parents is genuine it is pure love a child will never turn their back on you if you never turned their back on you . Our children later end up taking care of us.
Nobody can love your child more than you do, and nobody can give your child their best .It is only you, who knows how much they mean to you and how important their joy is.
I am a passionate believer of love and loving what you do. I believe, to live means to seize each moment and hope for a better future, in the wake of all disaster around us. "What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger." I write straight from the heart. From a point of reasoning with your reality without justifying the reasons for the current state of things but seeing that, the grass only gets greener when you work towards getting it green. Love, laugh, live, learn and never stop dreaming!
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Untold lives of woman, is a woman's journey on the path life has set her on.
A blog about factors that affect the lives of women and where you can find inspiration.
The Un edited side of "life ".Where there is beauty in imperfection and knowing that through the support and wisdom we share with each other .We will help improve not only our own lives but the lives of generations to come.