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Untold lives of woman, is a woman's journey on the path life has set her on.
A blog about factors that affect the lives of women and where you can find inspiration.
The Un edited side of "life ".Where there is beauty in imperfection and knowing that through the support and wisdom we share with each other .We will help improve not only our own lives but the lives of generations to come.

Monday, February 22, 2016


(GVRC) Gender Violence Recovery Center, Nairobi hospital branch adams arcade ,kirichwa rd off ngong rd +254721696214/0721760146

 Photography by josemarie nyagah IG mis_amethyst

There is a fine between knowing what people (women and men, young boys and girls )are going through and actually experiencing it first hand.

We all know of the immense sadness, harsh conditions and even trauma, that people are going through in terms of Rape, Domestic, emotional and physical violence.Empathy is felt but that's as far as it goes.As long as you are not directly affected it's not a a major concern.To me I think to overlook these experiences is to flatten our existence and to overlook the very lives we live that form us into who we are.

It saddens me, to see how although there are institutions that have been established, to create awareness and ensure that survivors get the help needed. To get their lives back on track and although we know about it and awareness has been created a lot is yet to be done because people are still living these lives in complete silence . Facing the truth is hard because it does hurt to acknowledge ,that you are suffering from the very symptoms. The signs are all there and although you may not be physically scared that doesn't mean you are not suffering. In most cases where there is no physical mark ,people assume they are ok they feel they are still in a safe environment, but as long as all the symptoms are there.It might only be a matter of time before it gets out of control and at that point it could end up tragically.

Many people are living in these conditions right under our noses ,and unless we identify the symptoms we will not be able to stop the re-occurring  cycle.  Women and men alike young boys and girls are struggling through these issues and  they need to deal with the issues that are affecting them. If they don't deal with them they hinder their own progress depriving the society of economic growth.we need to adopt the mentality of if i rise, u rise, we rise together.

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