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Untold lives of woman, is a woman's journey on the path life has set her on.
A blog about factors that affect the lives of women and where you can find inspiration.
The Un edited side of "life ".Where there is beauty in imperfection and knowing that through the support and wisdom we share with each other .We will help improve not only our own lives but the lives of generations to come.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


I've always been the kind of person that puts other people's interests before my own,telling myself don't worry you can always figure it out. So just let them win this battle your better than this and most times I'd end up upset with myself and I'd take out my frustration out on that person
when the Reality was I was upset with myself because I didn't stand up for what I believed in Most. all to make the other person happy when I would be hurting deep down with no one to comfort me because even when I had a chance to fix the issue I silenced myself
I realized that standing up for what you believe in isn't something wrong it's an expression of how you feel and if you keep silencing your inner voice it only leads to your unhappiness
Taking a pause in the middle of a tough situation to come up with the best situation only happens on telly.
The reality is u can only make the best decision for that moment,and the decision you make then is what will determine your level of happiness until you decide to reevaluate the situation

The truth of the matter is simple where all brought up to be free willed individuals we all go through life and pick up survival skills and when push comes to shove that's exactly what happens we fight for what we consider acceptable and although love sometimes blinds us it gets to a point when u have to realize there is absolutely nothing wrong with loving yourself more.because although people occupy the space around you when you close your eyes at night it's just you and if your not happy with you you can't be truly happy.

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